We know we’ve missed seeing each other!
We know this is tough. When you’re used to seeing each other in person, catching up on what’s going on. This has been tough on everyone and just to see the families you love and worship with every week, even for a few seconds is a pleasant distraction.
Here’s an opportunity, would you, your family, you and your roommates, or you and your dog/cat record a short greeting on your phone and send it to us? We will take the submissions we get and play them during our countdown before the service starts on April 12th! We may not be together in the same room, but we are still together in community.
Here’s how to submit your greeting video:
Set up your phone to record in landscape mode
Record 10 seconds and say "Good morning, Happy Easter (whatever your family is comfortable with) from the _______ house!"
Submit your video to this link here or the button below
Submission Deadlines
Easter video deadline: 4/8 by noon.
Can’t wait to be greeted by you!