Welcome back Christ Community Church!
Here is our plan for joining together in worship.
If you are comfortable coming, we ask that you follow the guidelines below. We say if you are comfortable, because some of you may want to wait a little longer and that is perfectly fine. We are not telling you to come, but giving you the option. The same thing applies to wearing masks and gloves. You may want to do it for your own sake or for the sake of others, or you may not want to do it. We are not requiring it, but we are asking that you be mindful of and loving toward others, no matter what their position on masks, gloves, or social distancing happens to be.
There will not be nursery, children’s, student ministry or Bible hour classes.
The nursery room will be open for parents in case the need arises.
The gym and all other classrooms will not be available to play or congregate in.
We will be practicing social distancing. Families will need to sit together and maintain a distance of at least 6 feet apart from others.
Children 12 and under must stay with parents at all times. If your child needs to use the restroom they must be accompanied by a parent. Older kids should be sitting with their families, not friends, during the service.
There will be an offering box placed at the entrance into the Sanctuary. Please place your offering in the box before service starts. Online giving is also a very popular and safe option with our congregation!
Paper bulletins will not be printed at this time.
Interior doors will be propped open as much as possible, and hand sanitizing stations will be placed in strategic places around the foyer and Sanctuary.
As it has been, our worship service will be livestreamed and available to watch on the following formats:
fb live: michristcomm
youtube: #michristcomm
website: https://christcommchurch.org/stream
If you are willing and able to serve communion on June 14th please contact David or Cheryl Lee.
We know everyone is excited to get back, love on each other and catch up but we are asking that if you are not feeling well, or have been in contact with someone who has been sick please use your discretion on whether or not you should be in service.
We want you to fellowship with each other but are asking that you please exit the building immediately following our service but feel free to linger outside as long as you like.
While June 14th is our target date to gather together and worship, we are also aware that our current situation is fluid and the above guidelines will be in place for a while but also know that we are continually monitoring and taking the appropriate precautions to keep everyone who worships with us safe.
In His Name,
Kevin McGuire
Dr. Alex Loginow